ISA SUAI Students section

The XX EMEA&Pakistan students paper competition rule (EMEA&Pakistan SPC – 2024)

  1. The competition organized by St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) and ISA Russian section.
  2. The organizing committee held by Anatoly Ovodenko – ISA Russian Federation Headquarters Chair. The committee includes ISA student’s section advisers.
  3. Students from universities can participate in the competition.
  4. Students present English paper in Automation and Control areas to their section advisers and copy to organizing committee by e-mail
  5. Deadline: Paper must deliver to the section advisers and organizing committee before March 25, 2024.
  6. Advisers organize section meetings where students present their papers at the first level of competition. This level needs finish before April 1, 2024.
  7. Advisers send to Organizing committee the reports with names of the best students. The student papers recommended by the advisers will be publishing.
  8. All students-participants of the competition will get certificates, winner will get the Medals, and the best papers will be published.