ISA SUAI Students section (archive)

News (archive):

Government of St. Petersburg Prizes awarded
By Order of the Committee on Science and Higher Education No. 363 dated 05/23/2024, the Government of St. Petersburg awarded prizes for outstanding achievements in the field of higher education and secondary vocational education in 2024. Among the laureates of the Awards for outstanding achievements in the field of higher education and secondary vocational education in 2024 are:
Yulia Anatolyevna Antokhina (Rector of SUAI) in the nomination Organizational Solutions to Improve the Quality of Training Specialists – for her work on Strategy and Organizational Solutions to Improve the Quality of Educational Activities for Training Specialists for Staffing High-tech Sectors of the Economy;
Bestugin Alexander Roaldovich (Director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Infocommunication Technologies of SUAI), Vaganov Mikhail Alexandrovich (Professor of the Department of Design and Technology of Electronic and Laser Facilities of SUAI), Kazakov Vasily Ivanovich (Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Technology of Electronic and Laser Facilities of SUAI) in the nomination Scientific Achievements Contributing to Improving the Quality of Training of Specialists and Highly Qualified Personnel, for their work on Innovative Methods and Systems for Monitoring Physical and Technological Processes by Remote Optical Spectroscopy Methods.

The International Automation Society XX International Competition for the Best Scientific Students Work for the European, Middle East and African region and Pakistan (XX ISA EMEA&Pakistan SPC-2024) awards.
On May 23, 2024, at a meeting of the Academic Council of SUAI, Rector of the University Professor Yu.A. Antokhina presented gold medals to students and Phd students of SUAI- winners of the XX ISA International Competition EMEA&Pakistan SPC-2024.

The next class of students from Professor G. Cockrell's seminar
On May 14, took place the final seminar session of the online seminar "Project Management. Practical project Management: Learning to Manage the Professionals" Honorary Doctor of SUAI, President of ISA 2008, Professor Gerald Cockrell (USA). Professor Cockrell conducted the seminar for the nineteenth time. Over the years, more than five hundred students, graduate students, SUAI teachers and members of the St. Petersburg Russian Section of ISA took part in the seminars. The director of the SUAI Institute of Entrepreneurship Technologies and Law, Professor Artur Surenovich Budagov, and the students attending the seminar addressed the professor with words of gratitude. On behalf of Professor G. Cockrell, Professor Budagov A.S. presented personalized certificates to the participants who successfully completed the program.

Meeting of the student section of ISA SUAI
On March 13, 2024, the regular meeting of the ISA SUAI student section was held. The meeting was chaired by the head of the student section - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems, Honorary Member of ISA Alexander Valerievich Chabanenko. Members of the section discussed work plans to prepare for participation in the 77th International Sudents’ Science Conference SUAI and in the Twentieth Competition for the best scientific work of ISA students from the European region, Middle East, African region and Pakistan (SPC-2024).

President of the Russian Federation Grants.
10 SUAI master's degree students received grants from the President of the Russian Federation. Among the awardees is the 1st year graduate student Maria Belova, a member of the ISA student section of SUAI. Only those master degree students whose data are included in the state information resource on persons who have shown outstanding abilities can apply for grants.

Another gift to the knowledge center.
Professor Yulia Anatolyevna Antokhina (Rector of SUAI, President of the Russian St. Petersburg ISA Section in 2014) presented her book on Technologies for Flexible Management of Innovative Projects in the Higher Education System published in 2023 to the ISA Knowledge Center.

On January 1, 2024, Alexander Fedotovich Kryachko (Head of the department of radio engineering and optoelectronic complexes of SUAI, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor) assumed the post of President of the Russian St. Petersburg Section of ISA. Graduate student of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Mechanics of SUA Maria Dmitrievna Rassykhaeva assumed the position of President of the student section of ISA SUAI.

RoboticsSkills competitions in SUAI.
From December 11 to December 15, the Russian Robotics Week was held at the PetroCongress Center. The complex of congress and exhibition events included the International Robotics Forum with the participation of leading industry experts, student competitions "RoboticsSkills", seminars and workshops.

In the showroom of the NIT DDD on October, 25st was held the XIX Webinar on Project
Management by the Honorary Doctor of the SUAI Gerald Cockrell (President of ISA 2008). The students, teachers and post-graduate students of the SUAI are the main participants. Over the years more than 500 students have taken part in the workshop, the classes are held in English and will last until May, 2024. Students who successfully complete the course will receive certificates.

Annual meeting of the SUAI ISA Student Section
On September 18, 2023, SUAI hosted the annual meeting of the ISA Student Section of SUAI. The meeting was held by the head of the student section Alexander V. Chabanenko, Honorary Member of ISA, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems. The members of the section discussed the work plan for the 2023/2024 academic year, as well as the participation of students in the 20th anniversary ISA competition for the best student scientific work in the European, Middle East and African region (ESPC-2024). At the meeting, the elections of the section's leadership for 2024 were held. Maria Dmitrievna Rassyhayeva, a postgraduate student of the Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems, was elected as the President of the section, and a master degree student Kazadio Daniele Francesovich became secretary of the section - both are winners of the international ESPC-2023 Competition.

Members of the ISA student section of SUAI, SUAI students Daria Shchukina and Sergey Nenashev became winners of the President of the Russian Federation Scholarship. The winners of the President and the Government of Russia Scholarships are students who have high achievements in studies and research, are winners of regional, all-Russian and international Olympiads and competitions, authors of discoveries, scientific inventions and articles.

A SUAI student's project took 17th place in the All-Russian ranking of the TOP 1000 university startups.
The All-Russian rating of the TOP 1000 university startups is formed as part of the implementation of the Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship Federal Project. This rating contains the most promising university startup projects in such technological areas as digital technologies, new devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies, medicine, chemical technologies and new materials, resource-saving energy, creative industries and biotechnologies. The startup project on Smart vision by Sergey Nenashev, a student of the Department of Computing Systems and Networks of SUAI, president of the ISA SUAI student section, took 17th place in the ranking. The project is dedicated to the development of a software product in the field of operational aviation and intelligent monitoring in disaster and emergency zones.
The uniqueness of the product lies in the implementation of a specialized monitoring method using information channels from heterogeneous location sources, – says the author of the project – Such large amounts of information will require the development of theoretical and applied methods for integrating data into one information field in order to obtain detailed and reliable information about the state of the observed surfaces and objects. This will allow us to develop highly reliable algorithms for assessing the state of observed objects and territories.

Starting from January 9, 2023, Alexander V. Chabanenko, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the SUAI Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems, has joined the position of head of the ISA Student Section of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

All-Russian Forum of Startup Workshops
On November 28th and 29th the All-Russian Forum of Startup Workshops was held in Moscow. The talking point was the effective ways to develop technology entrepreneurship in the university environment. The All-Russian Forum of Startup Workshops is the first large-scale event of the federal project University Technology Entrepreneurship Platform. As well the program included an open meeting of the startup workshops investment committee, the best cases on working with startup projects at universities and presentations of the 50 best projects – the winners of the Student Startup contest. The forum was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov, Director of the North-West Center for Strategic Research Marina Lipetskaya and Vice President for Grants and Expertise of the Skolkovo Foundation as well. An advisor to the Director General of the Innovation Promotion Fund Ivan Bortnik welcomed the participants of the top 50 pitch session. SUAI was represented at the forum by Master of the Institute of Information Technologies and Programming Sergey Nenashev (president-elect of the student section of the ISA SUAI). After an intensive two-day preparation of the pitch, Sergey made a presentation to the experts with the project Airborne Monitoring System. As a result, the project received the approval of experts, requests from potential partners and investors.

In the showroom of the NIT DDD on November, 21st was held the XVIII Webinar on Project Management by the Honorary Doctor of the SUAI Gerald Cockrell (President of ISA 2008). The students, teachers and post-graduate students of the SUAI are the main participants. Over the years about 500 students have taken part in the workshop, the classes are held in English and will last until May, 2023. Students who successfully complete the course will receive certificates.

Onу More Gift to the Knowledge Center. Active members of the St. Petersburg Section of ISA: Director of the Institute of Aerospace Instrumentation and Systems of the SUAI (Elect President of the Russian St. Petersburg Section of ISA) Mayorov Nikolai N. and postgraduate student of the SUAI (President of the SUAI Student Section of the ISA) Dobrovolskaya Angelina A., presented to the knowledge center ISA textbook published in 2022 - Theory of Transport Processes and Systems. Ferry Routes and Sea Passenger Ports: textbook / A.A. Dobrovolskaya, N.N. Mayorov, V.A. Fetisov. - St. Petersburg: GUAP, 2022. - 99 p.

Members of SUAI ISA Student Section, SUAI student Maria Belova and PhD student Evgeny Grigoriev became Laureates of the President of the Russian Federation Scholarships. The laureates of the Scholarships are students who have high achievements in studies and science, winners of regional, all-Russian and international Olympiads and competitions, authors of discoveries, scientific inventions and articles.

On April 18, Professor Gerald Cockrell (USA), President of ISA 2008, Honorary Doctor of SUAI, took part in the final lesson of the online Seminar on Project Management in the SUAI NIT showroom. Professor Cockrell has held the Seminar for the 17th time. Over the years, about five hundred students, graduate students, teachers of SUAI and members of ISA Regular and Student Sections took part in it. Traditionally, the director of SUAI Institute of Entrepreneurship Technologies Budagov Artur Surenovich presented certificates on behalf of Professor Cockrell to the Seminar participants who successfully completed the program.

On December 17, the All-Russian final of the BRICS Youth Championship was held in Moscow with the support of the CASE-IN International Engineering Championship on Sustainable Development. During the Championship, students of the BRICS countries universities were able to present their vision in solving the problems of sustainable development within the framework of the BRICS area, form the necessary communications, meet with opinion leaders and get answers to their questions. Students with different levels of training (from bachelor's to master's degree) participating in the Сhampionship study in various fields: innovation, quality management, metrology. The Championship was attended by the "Po#Beda" team of the Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation - the champions of the GMC Cup of St. Petersburg, consisting of students-members of the SUAI ISA student section: Marina Shmeleva, Lidia Klimochkina, Daniele Kazadio, Maria Rassyhaeva. The team leader is an active member of the Russian St. Petersburg ISA section, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems Alexander V. Chabanenko.

An Industrial Robotics Laboratory has been created in SUAI. In it, students get real skills working with robots, learn how to program them, control the process of welding, palletizing and milling. A new educational unit of the university is functioning on the basis of the SUAI Engineering School with the scientific and methodological support of the SUAI Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics. The laboratory is equipped with modern hardware and software – powerful computers and KUKA industrial robots, as well as high-performance servers. This equipment will allow SUAI students not only to program and develop digital counterparts of industrial robots necessary to improve the efficiency of the educational process or develop the ideas of their startups, but also to test the developed digital models of their projects. It is planned to open an authorized KUKA educational center on the basis of the laboratory. This will allow graduates to have three diplomas: the main one with a bachelor's or master's degree and two additional ones - on the competence of FutureSkills and on studying at an authorized KUKA center. In combination with advanced software and innovative control systems, the laboratory plans to develop customized solutions for automation of production processes for enterprises, attracting the best students and postgraduates. The laboratory will take an active part in preparing students for various FutureSkills, WorldSkills, DigitalSkills championships and professional skill competitions among specialists of the largest domestic enterprises on the example of the annual WorldSkills Hi-Tech championship. The members of the Russian St. Petersburg ISA Section Yu.A. Antokhina, SUAI Rector, A.A. Ovodenko, SUAI President, V.F. Shishlakov, SUAI Vice-rector, S.V. Solioniy, Director of the SUAI Engineering School, actively participate in the creation of the laboratory.

XVII Internet Seminar on Project Management by Professor Gerald Cockrell
On October 11, another stream of listeners of the Internet seminar on Project Management resumed its work in the showroom of the SUAI NIT. The Seminar is already being held for the 17th time for SUAI students, graduates and teachers by Gerald Cockrell, Professor of Indiana State University (USA), Honorary Doctor of SUAI (President of ISA 2008). Over the years, about 500 students have participated in its work. Classes are held in English and will last until May 2022. Students who have successfully completed the course will receive certificates.

Global Management Challenge (GMC-2021)
From 24th to 25th of September, Nizhny Novgorod hosted the All-Russian final of the Global Management Challenge (GMC-2021) World Championship as part of the Russian Management Week. The Global Management Challenge is the world's largest strategic management championship. The championship is based on a comprehensive computer business simulator (game model), which makes it possible to gain experience in managing a company in less than a month, equal to several years of work in a global competition. The championship also allows to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and work out basic managerial and personal skills, combining the world's leading experience in business education. Champions of the St. Petersburg Cup, the SUAI team of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations, led by an active member of the Russian St. Petersburg ISA Section, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander V. Chabanenko, took second place, losing to the HSE team. The team consisted of active members of the SUAI ISA student section: Marina Shmeleva, Lidia Klimochkina, Daniele Kazadio, Maria Rassyhaeva.

The results of the competition for scholarships of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation have been announced. The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for students and postgraduates enrolled in higher education programs in organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has been assigned to active members of the ISA student section of SUAI Sergey Nenashev and Anna Fominykh.

On July 10, the All-Russian Student graduation "With Science in the heart" was held in Moscow as part of the Year of Science and Technology. The best graduates of the Russian Federation were awarded at the event. Angelina Dobrovolskaya, a master's student of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics of the Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems of SUAI, an active member of the ISA student section of SUAI, presented St. Petersburg at the All-Russian Graduation. In 2019, she graduated with honors from the bachelor's degree in the direction of "Technology of transport processes", and in 2021 she received a master's degree in the direction of "Instrument engineering. Intelligent transport systems". Angelina's research project is related to digital solutions for assessing the state of urban transport infrastructure. The award was presented to Angelina by a member of the Board of Directors of Group Vladimir Gabrielyan, especially noting her as the best graduate of St. Petersburg in 2021.

On June 30, the 19th awarding ceremony of the St. Petersburg universities best graduates took place in the Atrium of the Commandant's House of the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. Yesterday's students were presented with letters of gratitude from the governor and with bronze statuettes. The sphinx figurine symbolizes intelligence, strong character and wisdom. This badge of honor was received by 60 of the best graduates of St. Petersburg. They were congratulated by Vice-Governor Vladimir Knyaginin and Alexey Demidov, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Among the awardees was Angelina Dobrovolskaya, a graduate of the master's program of the SUAI Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems, an active member of the SUAI ISA student section. Angelina has 13 scientific publications and a registered computer program.

The names of the winners of the international ISA Grant Competition for students (ISA Educational Foundation Scholarship) in 2021 have been announced. Among the winners is the 2021 president of the SUAI ISA student section, a graduate student of the Department of major problem-oriented computer complexes of SUAI - Bella Akopyan and Evgeny Grigoriev, the PhD student of the Department of Computing Systems and Networks.

On April 24th, 2021, members of the ISA SUAI student section Miroshnichenko N., Raskopina A., Sinkin M. took part in the regional interuniversity radioengineering and telecommunications olympiad as part of the university team. The team successfully proved itself and took fourth place in the overall standings. Congratulations!

From March 29 to April 2 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, the Photonics Exhibition was held. SUAI took part in the exhibition, demonstrating the stand on automated system for precision laser processing of materials with the possibility of acousto-optic power control. The uniqueness of this project lies in the formation of the output beam in the form of a quasi-non-diffractive beam using an axicon, which allows to process materials of various reliefs without the need to focus the beam. The beam intensity is controlled by an acousto-optic modulator, which makes it possible to control the beam intensity without changing the generation mode. The SUAI delegation included employees and students of the Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications, such as active members of ISA regular and student sections Vasily I. Kazakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Technologies of Electronic and Laser Means, and Ksenia V. Serdyuk, a postgraduate student of the same department. In the framework of the exhibition, the Laser Association of Russia summed up the results of the annual competition of specialist’s, bachelor’s and master’s graduate qualification works. Ksenia V. Serdyuk became the winner of the competition for the master's thesis on optical diffractive prism spectral device.

On March 23, in the demonstration hall of the SUAI NIT, the work of the Internet seminar on Project Management was resumed. The Seminar was already held for the 16th time for students, postgraduates and teachers of SUAI by the Professor of the University of Indiana (USA), Honorary Doctor of SUAI Gerald Cockrell (ISA President 2008). Over the years, about 450 students have participated in the Seminar. Classes are taught in English. At the end of the course, students receive the University of Indiana Certificate.

On February 18, 2021, in Petrozavodsk, Maxim Rusanov, member of the ISA student section of SUAI, student of the SUAI Faculty of Computing Systems and Programming, became the winner of the International Educational and Research Competition "Youth for Science 2021" in the category "Technical Sciences". He was awarded the first-degree diploma of the International Center for Scientific Partnership "New Science " as the author of the research work "Creation of the game" Minesweeper" based on OPENGL".

On February 4-5, 2021, the annual National Information Security Forum Infoforum-2021 was held in the building of the Moscow Government (Moscow, Novy Arbat St., 36). For more than 15 years, efforts of Infoforum have been aimed at creating conditions for interaction of specialists in the field of information security in the Russian Federation. Substantive discussion of the most important issues in this area within the Infoforum contributes to the search for rational ways to achieve a high level of national information security. The Infoforum is organized by the State Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption, the Office of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia in conjunction with federal executive authorities. Within the framework of the Infoforum program, the laureates of Infoforum - New Generation, the All-Russian competition for young specialists and educational centers in the field of information security, were awarded. A laureate diploma of the Student of the Year was awarded to a Master student of the SUAI Department of Information System Security, a member of the SUAI ISA student section Anna A. Fominykh for her excellent performance in studies and participation in research work in the field of information security under academic supervision of the Head of the Department of Information System Security, associate professor Andrey A. Ovchinnikov, one of the first members of the ISA SUAI student section, president of the ISA SUAI student section in 2001. Anna A. Fominykh was also awarded the winner’s diploma of the All-Russian round of the open competition for the best scientific work of students in the field of information security in 2020. This year, five prizes of the competition were won by Master students of the SUAI Department of Information System Security. Andrei M. Tyurlikov, Director of the SUAI Institute of Information Systems and Information Security, Professor, Elect President of the ISA Russian St. Petersburg Section, took a great part in the trainig of students.

From February 2 to February 5, 2021, the student track of the Olympiad of the Study Group of "Flying Robotics" National Technological Initiative was held at the Laboratory of Unmanned Aviation Systems of the SUAI. In 2021, representatives of many Russian universities took part in the Olympiad: NSTU, SPbSTU, HSE, MAI, ITMO, NIST MISiS, SUAI and others. The SUAI Onboard Aircraft Systems Laboratory has an excellent flight zone and modern equipment. There is everything that the participants of the competition need, and the laboratory staff under the leadership of the Director of the Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems of the SUAI Nikolai Nikolaevich Mayorov (an active member of the Russian St. Petersburg section of the ISA), take an active part on holding the Olympiad and the development of the direction in general. The Olympiad was won by the SUAI students team, which included Angelina Dobrovolskaya, a member of the ISA SUAI student section.

Sergei Nenashev, a student of the SUAI Institute of Computing Systems and Programming, a member of the ISA SUAI student section, became the winner of the Student of the Year 2020 Competition in St. Petersburg in nomination of the Best Student in Scientific and Technical Creativity!

Active members of ISA Russian St. Petersburg section Andrey M. Tyurlikov, Director of the SUAI Institute of Information Systems and Information Security, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Alexandra M. Melnichenko, Dean of the SUAI Faculty of Additional Professional Education, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, were awarded the Prize of the Government of Saint Petersburg for outstanding achievements in the field of higher education and secondary vocational education for their paper on the practice of introducing scientific achievements in the Future Skills competence in the field of infocommunication systems.

Undergraduates of the SUAI Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems Angelina Dobrovolskaya, the president of ISA SUAI student section of 2019, and an active member of the ISA SUAI student section Nikita Bogatov were awarded Personal scholarships of the Government of St. Petersburg for students of educational institutions of higher education and secondary vocational education

A student of the SUAI Institute of Computing Systems and Programming Sergey Nenashev, an active member of ISA SUAI student section, became the winner of the UMNIK program within the framework of the federal project on Human Resources for the Digital Economy of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" with his project on Development of software for a high-precision multi-sensor spatially distributed operational monitoring system for the exchange and processing of information for the purpose of environmental reconnaissance and forecasting of emergency situations.

Dobrovolskaya Angelina, a student of the Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems of the SUAI, a member of the SUAI ISA student section, has been awarded a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for the 2020-2021 academic year in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.

On October 5, in the SUAI Demonstration Hall of New Information Technologies, Professor of Indiana University (USA), President of ISA 2009, Honorary Doctor of SUAI Gerald Cockrell took part in the final lesson of the Webinar on Project Management. The Webinar was held by Professor Cockrell for the fifteenth time. Over the years, 417 SUAI students, postgraduate students, professors and members of the regular and student ISA sections took part in it. Traditionally, the Director of the SUAI Institute of Entrepreneurship Technologies Artur S. Budagov presented certificates of the Indiana University on behalf of Professor Gerald Cockrell to the seminar students who successfully completed the program.

On September 23-24, the 11th Open Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "The future of strong Russia is in high technologies" was held at Saint Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity. The geography of the conference, which covered the whole country from the Far Eastern Federal District to the Republic of Crimea and Kaliningrad, expanded in 2020. New participants from Kirov and Velikiye Luki, Kurgan and Kostroma, Chelyabinsk and Perm, Izhevsk and Tula region, Ufa and Cheboksary, Verkhny Ufaley and Kazan joined the conference – a total of 250 schoolchildren from grades 9-11 and students of 1-3 courses of secondary and higher vocational education, who presented 140 reports in 9 sections. Candidates of technical sciences, associate professors of the Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations of SUAI, the Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems Stanislav A. Nazarevich and Alexander V. Chabanenko took an active part in the organization and holding of the conference. The winner of the Technics Section was a 1st year student of the SUAI Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations, a member of the ISA SUAI student section Daniele F. Kazadio with his project on Development of a Robotic Complex for Controlling Geometric Parameters of Additive Manufacturing.

Great success was achieved by members of the ISA SUAI student section, SUAI students and postgraduates in the year of the 75th anniversary of the International Society of Automation and the 25th anniversary of the ISA Russian section and the ISA student section of the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The president of the ISA SUAI student section, postgraduate student Mikhail Afanasiev, the elect president of the ISA SUAI student section, post-graduate student Elizaveta Vataeva, student Sergei Nenashev and post-graduate student Evgeny Grigoriev became winners of the ISA grant competition in 2020.

In April 2020, SUAI organized and conducted five scientific conferences dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the ISA Saint Petersburg Russian section: the First International Scientific Conference on Aerospace Instrumentation and Operational Technologies, the First All-Russian Scientific Conference on Radio Engineering, Optical and Biotechnical Systems, Information Processing Devices and Methods, XV International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics “Zavalishin Readings'2”, First All-Russian Scientific Conference on Information Processing, Transmission and Protection in Computer Systems, First All-Russian Scientific Conference on Modeling and Situational Quality Control of Complex Systems. Also, the 73rd International Student Scientific Conference of the SUAI was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the ISA and the 25th anniversary of the ISA St. Petersburg Russian section and the ISA SUAI student section.

In November 2019, an international scientific SPIE conference on Future Sensing Technologies was held in Tokyo (Japan). About 50 students from around the world attended the conference. A SUAI student, member of the SUAI SPIE student section and the ISA student section Ekaterina Kapranova made a presentation on distributed matrix methods of compression, masking and noise-resistant image encoding in a high-speed network of information exchange, information processing and agregation at the conference.

On November 9, the All-Russian Conference "My Contribution to the Greatness of Russia" was held in Moscow. Over 170 students and students from 33 Russian Federation constituents took part in it. A SUAI student, member of the SUAI student section of ISA Nikita Bogatov was awarded the Diploma of the II degree for his competition entry on new solutions in the field of aircraft servicing at the airport. Also, the scientific supervisor of the work Nikolay N. Mayorov, an active member of the ISA Russian St. Petersburg section, was awarded an honorary diploma.

June 21, 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the Russian St. Petersburg Section of the International Society of Automation (ISA). The 2002 ISA President Mr. Piergiuseppe Zani (Italy) arrived to congratulate the section on its anniversary. On June 27, the ISA Headquarters in the Russian Federation hosted a meeting of the members of the ISA Presidium of the Russian Federation with Mr. Zani. The meeting was attended by: the Rector of SUAI, President of the Russian ISA Section 2014, Antokhina Yulia; The head of the representative office of ISA in the Russian Federation, the president of SUAI Ovodenko Anatoly; Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship Technologies of SUAI, President of the Russian Section ISA 2018, Budagov Artur; Director of the Institute of Continuous and Distance Education of SUAI, President of the Russian Section of ISA 2019, Michurin Sergey; Deputy Head of the ISA Representative Office in the Russian Federation; Vice-President of the ISA 2007-2008, ISA Life Fellow Alexander Bobovich. Mr. Zani took part in the meeting of the SUAI Academic Council, where he delivered official congratulations on behalf of the International Society of Automation (ISA) to the anniversaries. Mr. Zani presented the Rector of SUAI, President of the Russian ISA Section 2014, Antokhina Yulia, and the President of SUAI, Head of the ISA Office in the Russian Federation, Professor Ovodenko Anatoly the commemorative medals "25 years of ISA in Russia". He also donated a number of recent scientific publications in the field of automation to the ISA knowledge center in the SUAI. At the same meeting of the SUAI Academic Council, Mr. Zani and Antokhina Yulia presented to the students of the SUAI - the winners of the ISA 15th European Students Papers Competition - honorary diplomas and gold medals. Awards were received by: Mikhail Afanasev, Elizaveta Vataeva, Elizaveta Skornyakova, Bella Akopyan, Georgy Tvardovsky, Nikita Bogatov. On the same day, a ceremonial meeting of the Russian St. Petersburg Section of the International Society of Automation was held, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the section.

“Wave Electronics and Info-Communication Systems” Conference was held in June 3-7. More than 250 scientists from Russia and abroad (Belorussia, Italy, Moldavia) took part in the Conference. 120 of them were young scholars. Participant had submitted 103 reports. Wave and info-communication systems is a promising modern science direction. That is why the convening of such a conferences is so relevant: they contribute to identification of priority research fields, raise the capabilities of employees in engineering and science, intensificate the researches in this area, all of which leads to improving the Russian reserchers’ competitiveness. Antokhina Y.A., Ovodenko A.A., Shishlakov V.F., Bestughin A.R., Kirshina I.A. were actively involved in organization and running of the conference. Young scholars from SUAI and participants of Russian section of ISA Vasiliy Kazakov, Elisaveta Vataeva and Nikita Boykov were awarded diplomas and precious prizes.

On May 29 there was held an international seminar dedicated to intellectual models and research methods of transport systems (with regard to airport activities) for tutors and students of Haaga-Helia University of Applied sciences, Finland. The seminar was attended by students from Aviation Business operations bachelor’s degree programs and master’s degree programs. At the one-day seminar students of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences were introduced to SUAI study and training opportunities and exchange programs, and visited SUAI history museum. Moreover active participant of the regular and student’s ISA section: Assistant professor, PHD in engineering N.N. Mayorov and students: Angelina Dobrovolyskaya and Nikita Bogatov organized the training-seminar on “Production process in the treatment of aircrafts” for the participant.

In October 2018, the Regional Public Organization for Promoting the Effective Development of Creative and Innovative Activities in Modern Education "Doctrine" held the All-Russian Contest of Students "My Contribution to the Greatness of Russia". According to the results of the qualifying competition, SUAI students Mikhailov Ilya and Dobrovolskaya Angelina (President of the ISA SUAI student section) were invited to Moscow to participate in the All-Russian Conference. On October 27, the students spoke at the conference, showing good results. Angelina Dobrovolskaya (her supervisor - an active member of the Russian section of the ISA Nikolai Nikolayevich Mayorov) was awarded a gold medal and a 1 degree diploma, and Mikhailov Ilya received a silver medal and a 2 degree diploma. Also, the scientific advisors and the rector of SUAI Yuliya Antokhina (President of the ISA 2014 Russian Section) were awarded for training participants.

The Meeting of the ISA 12 County Executive Committee in Madrid.
On April 27-28, 2018 the delegation of the Russian section of the ISA took part in the work of the Executive Committee of the ISA European Council in Madrid. At the meeting of the Executive Committee the results of the XIV ISA European Students Paper Competition (ESPC-2018) were proclaimed. SUAI students and graduate students – the members of the SUAI student section of the ISA have once again shown excellent results. Gold medals are awarded to: Alexander Chabanenko, Shanyazov Rostislav, Hakobyan Bella, Shabanova Alexandra, Shelest Maria, Tarala Mahim. Silver medals are awarded to Dobrovolskaya Angelina, Sokolova Julia, Gerasimov Seraphim, Vinogradov Alexander. Bronze awards are received by Grigoryev Eugene, Efimova Lyubov, Ryzhov Filip, Isakova Natalia and Emelyanov Georgy. Traditionally, the winners will receive their awards from the hands of the SUAI rector, the president of Russian section of the ISA in 2014, Antokhina Yulia Anatolyevna at the meeting of the SUAI Scientist council on May 24, 2018.

Joint SUAI-InfoWatch Research Laboratory of Cyber-security.
The InfoWatch Group of Companies and SUAI opened a Joint SUAI-InfoWatch Research Laboratory of Cyber-security. The agreement on the creation of the Laboratory was signed on April 18, 2018 at the site of the Petersburg Digital Forum by the SUAI rector (President of the Russian section of the ISA in 2014) Yulia Antokhina and the President of InfoWatch Group Natalia I. Kasperskaya. Along with the signing of the Agreement, the grand opening of a new Laboratory of the SUAI Internet of Things Engineering School was held on April 18. During this event the President of the InfoWatch group Natalia Ivanovna Kasperskaya made a speech. The purpose of creating the Laboratory in the SUAI Internet of Things Engineering School is the need for developing of innovative and educational activities, carrying out research and developing work in the field of the information protection using the technologies, solutions, products of InfoWatch Group. Opening of the Joint Laboratory is a logical continuation of the close collaboration, which was outlined between the SUAI and the InfoWatch Group in the field of information protection and new educational technologies. It is planned that the Laboratory will become the competence center for InfoWatch technologies in the North-West region and a base for training specialists in the WorldSkills competence «Corporate protection against internal IS threats» on a national scale. An excellent example of such cooperation is the joint creation of the mentioned competence by the WorldSkills standards in 2017. It was presented and aroused great interest at the IV National WorldSkills Hi-Tech Championship in Ekaterinburg and at The National Sectoral Championship of Digital Professions Digital Skills in Innopolis. The Competence was received with great interest by the National Expert Community in the Field of Information Security, as helping to improve practical training of the specialists in the field of cybersecurity through the use of competitive elements by the WorldSkills standards and InfoWatch advanced technologies.

71 SUAI International Scientific Student Conference.
The 71st International Scientific Student Conference was held in the period from April 16 to April 20, 2018. It included the “XI International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long distance conference”. Students and post-graduates of six universities from the USA, Italy, Spain, the Russian Federation and Indonesia made their presentations. The conference was led by Professor Gerald Cockrell (president of ISA 2009), University of Indiana (USA). the organizing committee of the conference provided SUAI students Shanyazov Rostislav and Dobrovolskaya Angelina with the right to represent Russian students. The topics of their presentations made in English were "The analysis of the gain in quadrature amplitude modulation with exponential distribution "and "The automation of the decision-making process of the passenger flows assessment on the basis of modeling and performance of transport nodes ". Both reports aroused great interest among the participants of the Conference. The work of Rostislav is supervised by the head of the SUAI Informatization Management Office , an active member of the Russian section of the ISA Sergeev Anton Valeryevich. The work of Angelina is supervised by the Associate Professor of the Department of System Analysis and Logistics of SUAI, an active member of the Russian section of the ISA Mayorov Nikolai Nikolaevich. By the decision of the international jury the reports of SUAI students were recognized as the best. Shaniyazov and Dobrovolskaya were awarded the Honorary Diplomas of the ISA. The same ISA Diplomas were awarded to their scientific supervisors: Sergeev A.V. and Mayorov N.N.

Open regional Young Professionals' Championship.
The 2nd stage of the Open St. Petersburg Region Young Professionals' Championship (WorldSkill Russia) on the "Internet of things" concept was held at the site of the SUAI Engineering School on March 4, 2018, Teams of students from St. Petersburg colleges and young specialists of the city enterprises were invited to participate in the competition. Age category: from 16 to 22 years old. The Championship brought together teams and leading professional organizations' experts in the field of "Internet of Things" The Internet of Things concept belongs to the Future Skills category (Professions of the Future) and is aimed at training specialists in integrated automation and robotization of production, using the most advanced industrial technologies. The concept was created in 2016 with the support of PTC and Fanuc companies. The opening took place in a friendly and businesslike atmosphere. The welcoming speech to the participants of the Championship was held by the representative of the Regional Coordination Center of WorldSkills in St. Petersburg Smirnova Natalia Evgenievna and the chairman of the organizing committee of the competition, the head of the SUAI Informatization Management Office , an active member of the ISA Russian section Sergeev Anton Valeryevich.

November 28, 2017

The National Interuniversity Young Professionals’ Championship (WorldSkills Russia) for university students was held in Moscow for the first time from November 28 to December 1, 2017 in the 75th pavilion of VDNH. More than 400 bachelors and specialists from 77 Russian universities who performed the best during the qualifying stages took part in the professional skills competition. Qualifying high school championships started on September 1, 2017. They were held by more than 60 Russian higher educational institutions throughout Russia, including the Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. SUAI took part in national competitions in three competencies: Internet of Things, Space Systems Engineering and Software Solutions for Business. SUAI students Maxim Ustyuzhin and Anastasia Kotova took first place and were awarded with gold medals of the championship in the competence of Internet of Things. Internet of Things belongs to the Future Skills category and is aimed at training specialists in integrated automation and production robotics using the most advanced industrial technologies. The competence was created in 2016 with the support of PTC and Fanuc. Another SUAI team consisting of Vadim Afanasyev, Mikhail Matveev and Anastasia Ukolova took third place in the Space Systems Engineering. Great work on preparing teams and experts for the championship was undertaken by the Internet of Things Laboratory of SUAI Engineering School (headed by an active member of ISA Russian Section, Anton V. Sergeev), SUAI Institute of Information Systems and Information Security (director Andrei M. Tyurlikov) and SUAI Faculty of Secondary Professional Education (Dean Natalia A. Chernova). These research and educational centers of SUAI that have long had direct contacts with industrial partners, have built a system of training highly qualified specialists. Success in the championship is a natural result of a modern training model based on real industry challenges with the use of modern equipment and technologies.

July 8, 2017

In Milan, the results of the XIII ISA European student paper competition (ESPC-2017) were announce.

June 29, 2017

In St. Petersburg, an exhibition of graduation projects carried out by students of St. Petersburg universities "Students to the City 2017" was held by order of St. Petersburg state authority. The five graduates of SUAI of 2017 who won the Contest were granted the right to carry out graduation projects. A member of ISA student section, Natalia Makarchuk, has developed a project on measures to improve the organization of ground municipal passenger transport in conjunction with the existing and projected lines of the St. Petersburg metro system by order of the Committee for the Development of the Transport Infrastructure of St. Petersburg. The graduation project was supervised by the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nikolai N. Mayorov (Deputy Director of SUAI Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems, active member of the Russian Section of ISA). The Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir V. Kirillov, who visited the exhibition, took a close look at the exposition of SUAI and thanked the students and authorities. The Rector of SUAI Yulia A. Antokhina, President of the Russian section of ISA in 2014, and the President of SUAI Anatoly A. Ovodenko, Head of ISA Representative Office in the Russian Federation, introduced the students and their works to the Vice Governor.

June 28, 2017

SUAI postgraduate student Vasily Kazakov and student Arthur Paraskun, active members of ISA student section of SUAI, presented a report on Spectral measurements by diffraction grating device with Fiber-optics system of signal transmission at the XX International Conference for Young Researchers. The report aroused great interest of the conference participants and was highly appreciated by the organizing committee.

June 27, 2017

In the atrium of the Peter and Paul Fortress the best graduates of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg were honored. The governor of the city Georgi S. Poltavchenko, members of the government, rectors of higher educational institutions, heads of military schools and academies and, of course, graduates and their family members took part in the XV ceremony. SUAI was represented by the rector Yulia Antokhina, president of the Russian section of ISA in 2014. The best graduate of SUAI in 2017 is Vitaly Ushakov, silver prize-winner of the XIII ISA European student paper competition (ESPC-2017).

June 22-23, 2017

On Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation took part in GeekPicnic, the biggest Russian popular science festival held in Pulkovo Park, St. Petersburg. This festival gathers annually tens of thousands of people keeping track of the high-tech world and trying not to miss a single new gadget.
At the section of the University called SUAI Cosmoshow projects and products developed by the students were represented. The Flying Train project based on superconductivity technologies was very popular among the visitors as well as humanoid robot football players that won RoboCup Russia Open 2017 under the guidance of SUAI students. These robots are going to represent Russia at an international competition in Bangkok in the autumn. Other products designed by SUAI students such as Robohand, 3D aerial photography system, solar panel cleaning robot and electrostatic also captured visitors’ attention. The most technologically advanced guests were interested in the Internet of Things developments represented by an autonomous video surveillance system and by a special device identifying smokers and propagandizing quitting smoking.
SUAI Cosmoshow became one of the most notable festival sites. The students’ work has been led by active members of the Russian Section of ISA: Professor Vladislav Shishlakov, Associate Professor Sergey V. Solenyi, Associate Professor Nikolai N. Mayorov and Senior Lecturer Anton V. Sergeev.

May 17-19, 2017

the Aerospace Bruisers team of the joint research and development Laboratory for the Design and Programming of Robotic Systems of the Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics of SUAI and the St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the open National Stage of the International competition in robotics RoboCupRussiaOpen 2017, which was held in Tomsk. 140 teams from 14 cities of Russia took part in the competition. The Aerospace Bruisers team took 1st place in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer KidSize League and will represent the Russian Federation at the international RoboCup competition in the Asia-Pacific region in December 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.

April 11, 2017

The X ISA students research long-distance conference in frame of the 70 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI was organized.

February 16, 2017

Rector of SUAI, President of the Russian section of ISA of 2014 Yulia Antokhina, CEO of the Union of Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) Robert N. Urazov and director of Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation Marina S. Lipetskaya signed a memorandum of understanding for the participants of the international working group FutureSkills. The Boiling Point coworking center in St. Petersburg hosted FutureSkills design session on new human resources for the IoT and IT which included several important events. The most significant of these was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between SUAI and the Union of Young Professionals representing a global not-for-profit membership association WorldSkills International (WSI) in Russia. WSI's mission is to draw attention to technical and technological professions and to create conditions for the development of high professional standards. The main activity of the Association is the organization and carrying out of professional competitions of various levels for young people under the age of 22 years. FutureSkills is a Russian initiative for holding competitions of competence representing the professions of the future and for research in the field of new professions in the framework of WorldSkills Russia and WorldSkills Hi-Tech championships. The main objective of FutureSkills is the search and development of the competences of the future that will be most in demand in the next decade. SUAI is a national leader in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), the industrial Internet and industrial automation, cloud technologies, machine learning and information security. In partnership with industry leaders, such as Intel and Dell EMC, the first Master's program in the area of IoT was launched in SUAI. It is therefore not surprising that the experience and expertise of SUAI has interested WorldSkills association in terms of creation of professions of the future. As a result of the signing of the memorandum, in the near future SUAI will become a platform for testing of advanced competencies on the basis of SUAI school of the Internet of things. The fact that SUAI is already now preparing real professionals of the future could be verified on the exhibition of the best student projects in the area of the Internet of Things. It should be noted that most of the exhibits were made by the participants of the Open Makerton of the Internet of Things, which was held in SUAI from 13 to 15 February. The exhibition has attracted great interest of participants of FutureSkills design session on new human resources for the IoT and IT as well as of those who took part in the parallel working session on design of a model of the University of NTI.

November 9, 2016

Professor of Indiana State University (USA) and ISA president in 2009 Gerald Cockrell conducted the first class of 12th regular webinar on Practical project management. The webinar was held at the Demonstration hall of new information technologies of SUAI. Professor Cockrell has been conducting webinars for students, postgraduate students and lecturers of SUAI as well as for members of ISA regular and student sections for twelve years. Over these years, 278 people participated in the seminar. Every year the webinar program includes 11 lectures. Participants who have successfully completed the training receive a certificate of Indiana State University.

September 14-20, Republic of Crimea, Alushta

The SUAI delegation headed by a member of the Russian section of ISA, Professor, PhD, Head of department of Information and Network Technologies Leonid A. Osipov took an active part in the work of XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern technologies in control, automatics and information processing". SUAI bachelors V.K. Kozyrevsky, N.A. Golos, A.A. Zausalin, S.S. Tkachev and master D.V. Pechenin received diplomas and prizes.

July 1, 2016

Students-to-City-2016 Exhibition of Diploma Projects accomplished by students of Saint Petersburg on the instruction of executive branch of government was held. Three graduates of SUAI in 2016, members of ISA students’ section, who won the Competition, were entitled to write Diploma Projects. Artyom Kashaev wrote the project on “Possible Applications of Wind and Tide Energy in the North-West Region. Development script, possible project implementation. Economic and ecological justification” for Energy and Engineering Support Committee of St. Petersburg. The adviser was Vladislav F. Shishlakov, Director of Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics, Doctor, Professor. The work on “Proxy Server Based High-load Applications Balancing” was accomplished by Vitaly Fundovoy for the Informatization and Communications Committee of St. Petersburg. His adviser was Evgeny A. Bakin, PhD, associate professor, participant of World Student Instrumentation Games of ISA, former president of ISA students’ section. Kirill Gogolev under the guidance of adviser Nikolay N. Mayorov , deputy director of Institute of Aerospace Instruments and Systems, active member of the Russian section of ISA, wrote the project on “City quays in St. Petersburg: Development Prospects, Problems, Solutions” for the Transport Committee of St. Petersburg. Georgy S. Poltavchenko , governor of St.Petersburg, attended the Exhibition and observed the SUAI stand to mark the highest level of the presented projects and thanked the students and their supervisers. SUAI’s Rector Yulia A. Antokhina (President of the Russian section of ISA in 2014) and President Anatoly A.Ovodenko (Head of ISA Headquarters Russian Federation) introduced students and their projects to the Governor.

June 27, 2016

The official ceremony to honor best university graduates of Saint Petersburg was held for the 14th time in St. Peter-and-Paul Fortress. The event was attended by the City Vice-Governor Vladimir V. Kirillov, officials, rectors, heads of military schools and academies and graduates with their families. SUAI was represented by Rector Yulia A. Antokhina (President of the Russian section of ISA in 2014), President Anatoly A. Ovodenko (Head of ISA Headquarters Russian Federation) and Director of Institute of Innovation and Basic Master’s Training Elena G. Semyonova (President of the Russian section of ISA in 2011). The Best SUAI graduate is Alexey Kurlov, active member of ISA students’ section, graduate of Institute of Innovation and Basic Master’s Training. While studying Alexey gained the reputation of a brilliant student, revealing himself as a talented scientist and researcher to be praised. He has written dozens articles in scientific magazines and delivered many reports at conferences. Moreover, the results of his Master’s Thesis research found practical application through the device that has already been implemented and nowadays is considered at Federal Service for Intellectual Property.

June 23, 2016

At the meeting of SUAI Academic Board Rector Yulia A. Antokhina awarded the SUAI students and postgraduates - XII European ISA (ESPC-2016) Best Student Research Winners – with diplomas and medals. Gold medals were given to Alexander Sorokin, Alexander Chabanenko, Vitaly Kuznetsov, Vasily Kazakov, Georgy Korol. Efim Golovin, Alexander Zelenin, Evgeny Petrashkevich, Boris Oskolkov, Maria Makarenko, Ilya Ivanov and Maria Shelest received silver medals. Alexander Vakulenko, Evgeny Grigoryev, Artemy Zhuravlev, Ivan Yudin, Yaroslav Baranov, Alexander Kozhevin, Antonina Makeeva were awarded with bronze medals. The prize for team competition went to Alexander Chabanenko, postgraduate, president of SUAI ISA students’ section.

April 21, 2016

The IX ISA students research long-distance conference in frame of the 69 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI was organized.

September 24, 2015

Last session of the Tenth issue Project management seminar was organized via Internet by professor Gerald Cockrell. 16 SUAI students received ISU certificates.

April 13, 2015

The VIII ISA students research long-distance conference in frame of the 68 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI was organized.

June 30, 2014

Mikhail Vaganov, Alexandr Sorokin, Ruslan Khansuvarov, Vadim Nenashev Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation were awarded by the 2014 ISA Education Scholarship Award

May 22, 2014

Last session of the Nineth issue Project management seminar was organized via Internet by professor Gerald Cockrell. 18 SUAI students received ISU certificates.

April 17, 2014

The VII International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.

The conference organize in the frame of the 67 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.

September 17-22, 2013

I. Lipinsky and V. Nenashev took part at the International Forum PE-RU-SAT-2013 at Lima, Peru.

September 20, 2013
4 students from Technical University of Delft (Kingdom of the Netherlands) – participants of the Nuon Solar Team (winner of the four World Solar Challenge) visited St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Students from Holland met with Russian students and presented their solar car “Nuna-6”.
June 1–8, 2013
ISA former presidents Pino Zani and Gerald Cockrell visited Saint-Petersburg, Russia during 1–8 June, 2013. They participated at the XIV international Forum “Modern information society formation – problems, perspectives, innovation approaches”. ISA leaders visited ISA Headquarters of Russian Federation, participated at the round table “Trends in global automation to the year 2020”.
April 17, 2013
The VI International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
The conference organize in the frame of the 66 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
May 24, 2012

Professor Orazio Mirabella with his daughter Julia visited St.-Petersburg (Russia) during 22–27 of May, 2012. O. Mirabella was awarded by the title of “Honored Doctor of St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation”.

Live webcast of Scientific Council Enlarged Session devoted to the SUAI (Russia) Honored Doctor Gown Awarding to professor Catania University (Italy) O. Mirabella was translated at May 24, 2012.

ISA senior-member visited ISA Head Quarters RF office, ISA knowledge centre for SUAI. He met with ISA Russian student’s members and Russian section leaders during his staying in St.-Petersburg. He also presented lecture to SUAI students and professors.

April 18, 2012
The V International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
The conference organize in the frame of the 65 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
Jule 28, 2011
9th Italian-Russian student seminar was organized in St.-Petersburg (Russia). 15 Italian students from CU come to SUAI. General consul of Italy in St.-Petersburg Mr. Luigi Estero participated at ISA student session at July 28.

June 27, 2011
Alexey Tirtichny as a recipient of an ISA Educational Foundation 2011 has been awarded $2000.
April 20, 2011
The IV International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference.
The conference organize in the frame of the 64 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.
November 26, 2010

Alex Tirtichny presented his project at the International Youth Forum “Youth wave” in St.-Petersburg (Russia).

October 16-27, 2010
Russia–USA exchange

The SUAI delegation headed by Vice-rector Prof. Victor Boer (ISA senior-member) participated at the 5th SUAI–SU student seminar in Terra Haute, Indiana, USA.

The seminar was organized by ISA past-president Prof. Gerald Cockrell. SUAI students participated at the International Forum Technology and Economics.

Gerald Cockrell and Alex Bobovich (ISA VP 2007–2008) organized joint meeting of the ISU and SUAI students sections. Both section discussed future joint activities.

The delegation of professors and 5 students (N. Pavlova, M. Poliak, I. Sharipova, A. Tirtichny, D. Vavrovsky) from Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation came to Indiana State University this October. The event was a part of association agreement’s program between SUAI and ISU.

SUAI students participated in “International Forum on Technology and Economics” at ISU College of Technology. They learned a lot about American education system. Russian students visited campus of Indiana State University. Group had a meeting with the President Daniel J. Bradley, College of Technology Dean Bradford Sims, and University professors. Also, Gerald Cockrell arranged meetings for students with representatives of the faculties, according to students’ majors.

Delegation visited not only ISU, but places of interest, sights, learned about American traditions. Students and professors were invited on a hay ride with bonfire, dinner with stake, visited pork farm, Ethnographic Museum, and Indianapolis Motor Speedway. SUAI students made presentation about Russian view of American culture and had a great conversation with listeners in the elderly community Westminster Village. Also, students learned a lot about American traditions and way of living from Tad and Kathy Foster and Boris and Zhanna Blukher, who became second families for them during the visit. After Indianapolis and Terre Haute delegation flew to Chicago, where group had several days to see the Windy City.

SUAI students greatly appreciate hospitality, kindness, care and respect of our American friends, thank them for good organization, warm welcome. Russians are looking forward to meet them in Saint-Petersburg now.

September 7, 2010
Final session of the long-distance seminar “Project management”

Professor Gerald Cockrell presented his last class of the long-distance seminar “Project Management”, which he organized fifth time for Russian students from SUAI during 2009–2010. Professor Artur Budagov, Dean of the Economican Faculty of the SUAI passed the certificates to students from the name of professor Cockrell.

August 1, 2010
VIII Italian-Russian student seminar

The VIII Italian-Russian student seminar was organized by professor Orazio Mirabella on July 23 – August 1, 2010 in Catania University.

Group of 10 Russians headed by Alexander Bobovich from SUAI (St.-Petersburg) visited ISA Catania student section. During one week students had city tour, ISA session, where student presented their presentations, rest, sweem, visited many places of interesting. Main goal-Italians and Russians found new international friends. Next seminar will be organized by SUAI at 2011.

June 15, 2010
ISA Executive Board approves 2010 ISA Education Scholarship Award recipients.

Three of SUAI students have been awarded ISA Education Foundation Scholarships, as follows: Alexey Tirtichny, Evgeny Bakin, Konstantin Gurnov. Georgy Kuymchev will get District 12 Award.

After receiving the medals and certificates by SUAI students – winners of the ESPC-2010.

To the left to right: K. Gurnov (1), E. Bakin (3) and A. Tirtichny (4).

April 22, 2010
The III ISA International long distance student research conference

The conference organize in the frame of the 63 International Students Scientific Conference of the SUAI and agreement of cooperation between ISU and SUAI.

December 7, 2009

“The St.-Petersburg best student 2009” H&A ceremony was organized by the St.-Petersburg Government and Rector's Council at the Educational Theater on Mokhovaya. Georgy Kuyumchev (SUAI student section president-elect) was declared as the St.-Petersburg best student 2009 in the nomination the best in research and creative work. On photo Georgy with his wife Maria.

November 26, 2009
5th long distance seminar between ISU and SUAI

Dr. G. Cockrell (ISA president) presents by long distance the first lecture on 5th seminar “Project management” to SUAI students.

October 6, 2009
Undergraduate Student Research Conference
April 13, 2009
Long-distance ISA International Students Conference
March 8-13, 2009
Professor G. Cockrell (ISA President) visit to SUAI (Russia)
February 20, 2009
Students from Nigeria who are study during 2 years at the SUAI visited ISA Headquarters in Russian Federation
October 14, 2008
ISA International students Games, Houston, USA
June 3, 2008
Congratulations!!! Alexey Tirtichny as a recipient of an ISA Educational Foundation 2008 have been awarded $1500 from the Bob and Mary Ives Fund
April 18-19, 2008
The IV ISA European students paper competition (ESPC-2008)
April 14, 2008
Long-distance ISA Students International Seminar