Educational informatics and sustainable development problems (EISDP'99)


Educational informatics and sustainable development problems (EISDP'99) was at St.Petersburg,Russia and Catania,Italy on 21 of April, 1999.11 russian and 11 italian student's report were made. Student's took part in the first european electronic conference via internet.It was held during 1 hour before session's meetings. (2-3pm russian time).

During the first european electronic conference via internet

S.Sidorenko & A.Berezin


S.Zhukov & N.Ovchinnikova

Russian students- EISDP'99 participants

first level ( left to rigth) R.Malakhanov,V.Sedunov (section's president 99)

second level ( left to rigth) G.Kuzmin,A.Bobovitch(student's committee chair), S.Sidorenko ( past president),N.Tukkel,A.Berezin, N.Ovchinnikova,A.Ovchinnikov,V.Elkin(adviser),S.Zhukov, T.Chtcherbina

